Monday, April 14, 2014

M is for Math Stretches

   During the summer I participated in a profession book study. A group of teachers interested in improving our teaching of math discussed, created, and collaborated together to gain further insight. I, by no means consider myself a math person, but I do consider myself a life-long learner and that is essential to being a teacher.
   One particular chapter in Building Mathematical Comprehension resonated with me. Chapter 3 dealt with helping students connect math to activities they do daily. I know, I have been guilty of saying or thinking, "When will I ever use math?" But in reflection- I use math all the time! It appears like a simple concept, but one that is not emphasized enough. My original post discusses the chapter in detail and there is a download for you to use. Check it out, click on our button below.

Here is a great video to compel you to open your heart :) to math.


  1. We are trying to improve maths teaching skills here in the UK because we have a numeracy problem among adults. People are now leaving school without basic skills. We are having Chinese teachers to show our teachers how it's done!
    I found you on the A-Z.

    1. I think we have had a similar struggle in our educational system. Our hope is that with this new found focus our students will leave school with the math skills they need in life. I think it is great that we help one another be better teachers- how great to have that help.

  2. I'm dreading it.... I've never liked maths in all my school life and now i have a 4 year old. You are right, I have to make the effort to get interested myself so that I can open the world to her!

    1. Your daughter is so fortunate to have you. An adult being a life-long learner.

  3. Following from Blogging AtoZ.
    I'm writing "Things My Husband Has Broken" A to Z at
    Come by and check it out.

  4. Visiting from A/Z. I enjoyed math in school all those years ago; never got higher than algebra, but did enjoy working out problems. Something about doing long division or multiplication was fun to see the numbers all adding up. Must be hard though to teach math to those that might not want to see the benefits of learning it.

    Good luck with the rest of the challenge!


    1. Thanks for visiting and sharing your math experience.

  5. Ugh, math is not my friend, lol I'm envious of everyone who can do it without a calculator :)
    Great topic for the letter 'M'!

    Finley Jayne

    1. Thank you Finley and I can say a calculator is a helpful tool.

  6. Good points! New follower here. I'm stopping by from the "A to Z" challenge, and I look forward to visiting again.



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