My teaching/blogging/creating buddy Wendie and I decided to take a break from all the madness and do something fun and nonschool related. We took a trip to San Juan Capistrano to visit the Cottage Home & Garden store. It was absolutely adorable! Wendie and I picked up a few miniature plants to create some amazing miniature fairy gardens. It was so fun- that I am ready to tackle the last three days. Doing something creative just feeds my soul and revitalizes me.
I totally want to replicate this landscape sample from the store.
See the cool wagon? I found one at the nearby antique store! I have all my mini plants to get started. Now I just need to find the miniature accessories to add. More shopping!
Just for fun-this beautiful butterfly landed right in front of me at the Cottage store. So lovely!
What a face! It screams take a pic of me. This was taken at the petting zoo in San Juan Capistrano.
Here is my point of this post... to encourage you to find a way to release the stress of the end of the year. Please share how you get you survive it all.

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