Here is my list of teacher useful/must have/cannot live without tools.
- Expo Markers
- Sticky Notes
- Mr. Sketch Scented Markers (love the colors and scent)
- Paper Mate Flair felt tip pens (they don't smear)
- Chart paper
- Blue pen (only color for attendance folder)
- Magnets
- Whistle (got to have it)
- Smart Board (How would I teach without it?)
- Blue Painters Tape
- Glue gun
- Highlighter
- Popsicle sticks
Any teachers out there that want to add to the list? If you're not a teacher, what is your most useful tool?

I love your list! I really should have been a teacher:) I am a paper crafter so my "go to" tool would be my paper snips (little scissors)! Visiting from the A to Z Blogging Challenge.